

An Important Message from Our Providers & Staff about COVID-19

Dear Patients,

We continue to monitor the news, guidance, and regulations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We have supported the shelter-in-place efforts through thousands of telehealth visits and by adopting social distancing and other CDC measures. In compliance with the county guidelines, we are open for in person medical and cosmetic care at our clinics. You can book an appointment online or by calling your local clinic.

Keeping patients healthy and safe in our clinics is our top priority. We are continuing the following enhanced practices across all Golden State Dermatology locations:

  • CDC Guidelines:  We make every effort to meet or exceed all CDC standards for cleaning and minimizing exposure risk. The waiting room and front desk is frequently sanitized and exam rooms are cleaned after each visit. Employees regularly wash and sanitize their hands.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):  The providers and staff all wear masks and use other PPE as needed. Patients also wear masks and are given a mask if they do not have one.
  • Social Distancing:  Waiting room seating has been reduced and the seating rearranged for social distancing. Appointments are staggered. If possible, we ask that only the patient being treated enter the clinic to limit unnecessary interaction. Patients are being escorted directly to exam rooms whenever possible to minimize time together in a waiting room.
  • Patient and Employee Screening:  We screen patients and employees for symptoms (inclusive of temperature checks) daily and those with symptoms are asked to reschedule and return home.
  • Online Portal:  In advance of an appointment, patients can complete much of the registration online (complete Financial Policy, sign HIPPA acknowledgement, input insurance coverage and pay their co-pay) to minimize front desk interaction.
  • Healow Check-in: Check in for your appointment ahead of time from your mobile phone.  Watch our informational video to learn more.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

—The Providers and Staff of Golden State Dermatology


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