Getting Your Skin Ready to Leave the House

Are you ready to resume your life post-Covid?

This past year changed our health, beauty and lifestyle habits. Many people skipped annual checkups and postponed doctor visits, even when they were worried about their health.

Now is the time to consider scheduling your annual full body skin exam (the one you missed last year), especially if you have already been vaccinated. Medical offices equipped with Covid precautions are now open and ready to see patients.

With gradual lifting of Covid lockdown measures anticipated in the next few months, life will start to be more normal. We will slowly begin to venture back into our communities, schools and workplaces. Although mask-wearing may persist, social contact will hopefully increase. Let’s get ready!

Here are a few skin care tips to consider in life post-Covid:

  1. Check out that mole or skin lesion you have been worried about.  Schedule a full body skin exam. Skin cancer is the most common human cancer of all, and the American Academy of Dermatology recommends that all adults ages 18 and older have an annual full-body skin exam.
  2. Bring in your teen.  With school resuming getting a head start on clearing up acne before school starts could be one of the best stress-busters a parent can provide to their child.
  3. Acne is not just for kids.  Adult acne, mask acne, folliculitis (aka, “back-ne”) can be a nuisance for women and men, too. A dermatologist can help you sort out the problem and prescribe a customized treatment program to clear up you skin.
  4. Zoom Face.  Whether you are working at home on Zoom or in the office, looking your best is always a plus. From “no-downtime” cosmetic procedures such as Botox, fillers and treating veins, to formulating a customized product routine, now is a great time to improve your skin’s appearance to feel more refreshed and healthy.
  5. Hair Treatments.  There are several hair restoration treatments now available at Golden State Dermatology, including Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). This treatment which uses a patient’s own plasma, is effective in regrowing scalp hair in both men and women, and is safe with no downtime.

Golden State Dermatology is open to evaluate and treat new and established patients in our clinics. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Soohoo or any of our providers, contact your local clinic or book easily online.

Written By: Lillian Soohoo, MD
Board-Certified Dermatologist, Golden State Dermatology

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